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Mainframe Refresher By Muthu Pdf Download

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Post on 25-Nov-2014


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CONTENTS NoPartIcuIarsPage No 1TSO Commands2 2CODOL Tuiorial 9 3CODOL Filc siaius Codc43 4CODOL Coding Siandard46 5JCL49 6 JCL Uiiliiics73 7JCL FAO's83 8CICS Tuiorial92 9CICS Alcnd Codcs116 10CICS FAO's121 11DD2 Tuiorial126 12DD2 Uiiliiics144 13DD2 FAO's146 14CIangc man Tool154 15Filc-Aid Tool172 16Endcvor Tool207 17Domain Danling and Financc214 18Domain - Tclccom232 19PL1I252

2 TSO Commands OPaneI-id show? = PANELDDisplays the name of the current panel.OMessage-id = MSGDDisplays the Message-id of the last message.OAutomatic REFLIST can be accessed by4REFLSTD4REFLSTL4REFACTD4REFACTLThese allow you to pull back datasets without seeing the intermediate lists. Commands to quickly add names to your personal lists. These are REFOPEND, REFOPENL, REFADDD, and REFADDLORETP - View the stack of your typed commands.ORETF - Pull back commands in reverse order.ORETRIEVE - Pop up the most recent typed commands from the stack.OCRETRIEV - Pop up the most recent typed commands from the stack.OISRDDN - Shows the current data sets allocation for our SPF session.OXMITThe TSO/E nteractive Data Transmission Facility TRANSMT command allows you to send data sets or messages to persons on other MVS systems via Network Job Entry or directly to persons on your own system. XMIT node.userid DA('your.pds') OUTDA('')ORECEIVEThe TSO/E nteractive Data Transmission Facility RECEVE command allows you to obtain files transmitted to your userid. The RECEVE command queries the Job Entry Subsystem #IV INDS('your')ODSLISTOSAVE /VDLSave the data set list in log data setOQPRINTSave the Quick Reference document in a PDS or PS3 OTSO PROFILEThe profile command is used either to specify to the system certain user characteristics which are to be used to control the flow of information to and from the terminal or to list the user profile. The user profile is retained throughout each terminal session unless the user wishes to change it by issuing the profile command again and specifying the appropriate operands.OCUT DISPLAYThis command when given while a member is opened in view/edit mode will show the Clipboard manager. The Clipboard can then be browsed or deleted.OKEYLISTDisplays the Keylist utility. nvoking KEYLIST OFF can disable it.OKEYS4f the KEYLIST is ON, it displays the keys of current Keylist.4f the KEYLIST is OFF, it displays the Primary keys definition.OPFSHOWDisplays the value of all the PFKEYS on the panel. They can be removed from the panel by invoking PFSHOW OFFOSCRNAME ONDisplays the screen name of the Top Left corner. We can give our own screen name to any screen by writing "SCRNAME myscrname"OSWAP LISTDisplays the Active SPF logical Sessions.LANGUAGE PROCESSING COMMANDS OASMnvoke assembler prompter and assembler f compiler.OCALCnvoke itf:pl/1 processor for desk calculator mode.OCOBOLnvoke cobol prompter and ans cobol compiler.OFORTnvoke fortran prompter and fortran iv g1 compiler.4 PROGRAM CONTROL COMMANDS OCALLLoad and execute the specified load module.OLINKnvoke link prompter and linkage editor.OLOADGOLoad and execute program.ORUNCompile, load, and execute program.OTESTTest user program.OTESTAUTHTest apf authorized programs.DATA MANAGEMENT COMMANDS OALLOCATEALLOCATE A DATA SET WTH OR WTHOUT AN ATTRBUTE LST OF DCB PARAMETERS. OALTLIBDEFNE OPTONAL, USER-LEVEL OR APPLCATON-LEVEL SETS OF LBRARES CONTANNG SAA/PL EXECS OR CLSTS. THESE LBRARES ARE SEARCHED WHEN MPLCTLY NVOKNG AN SAA/PL EXEC OR CLST. OATTRIBALLOW DCB PARAMETERS TO BE DYNAMCALLY NTRODUCED AND NAMED FOR USE WTH A SUBSEQUENT ALLOCATE COM. 5 OCONVERTSFT TF/PL1 AND FORTRAN SOURCE.OCOPYCOPY A DATA SET. (SEE NOTE BELOW.)ODELETEDELETE A DATA SET.OEDITCREATE, EDT, AND/OR EXECUTE A DATA SET.OFORMATFORMAT AND PRNT A TEXT DATA SET. (SEE NOTE BELOW.)OFREERELEASE A DATA SET AND/OR AN ATTRBUTE LST.OLISTDSPLAY A DATA SET. (SEE NOTE BELOW.)OLISTALCDSPLAY ACTVE DATA SETS.OLISTBCDSPLAY MESSAGES FROM OPERATOR/USER.OLISTCATDSPLAY USER CATALOGUED DATA SETS.OLISTDSDSPLAY DATA SET ATTRBUTES.OMERGECOMBNE DATA SETS. (SEE NOTE BELOW). 6 OPRINTDSPRNT A DATA SET.OPROTECTPASSWORD PROTECT DATA SETS.ORENAMERENAME A DATA SET.OTSOLIBDEFNE OPTONAL SEARCH LEVEL THAT TSO/E USES WHEN SEARCHNG FOR COMMANDS AND PROGRAMS.SYSTEM CONTROL COMMANDS OACCOUNTMODFY/ADD/DELETE USER ATTRBUTES.OCONSOLEPLACE TERMNAL N CONSOLE MODE.OOPERATORPLACE TERMNAL N OPERATOR MODE.OPARMLIBLST/UPDATE TSO/E DEFAULTS.ORACONVRTUADS TO RACF DATA BASE CONVERSON UTLTY.OSYNCSYNCHRONZE THE BROADCAST DATA SET WTH USER DS FROM THE UADS AND RACF DATA BASE. 7 SESSION CONTROL OCONSPROFDEFNE USER CONSOLE CHARACTERSTCS.OEXECNVOKE COMMAND PROCEDURE.OEXECUTILALTER REXX ENVRONMENT.OHELPNVOKE HELP PROCESSOR.OLOGOFFEND TERMNAL SESSON.OLOGONSTART TERMNAL SESSON.OPROFILEDEFNE USER CHARACTERSTCS.OSENDSEND MESSAGE TO OPERATOR/USER.OTERMINALDEFNE TERMNAL CHARACTERSTCS.OTIMELOG SESSON USAGE TME.OTSOEXECEXECUTE AN AUTHORZED OR UNAUTHORZED COMMAND FROM WTHN AN UNAUTHORZED ENVRONMENT.OWHENCONDTONALLY EXECUTE NEXT COMMAND.8 FOREGROUND INITIATED BACKGROUND COMMANDS OCANCELCANCEL BACKGROUND JOB.OOUTPUTDRECT OUTPUT MEDUM FOR BACKGROUND JOB.OSTATUSLST STATUS OF BACKGROUND JOB.OSUBMITSUBMT BACKGROUND JOB.OINTERACTIVEDATA TRANSMSSON FACLTY.ORECEIVERECEVE DATA SENT TO YOU BY A TRANSMT COMMAND.OTRANSMITTRANSMT MESSAGES AND/OR DATA SETS VA NODES DEFNED TO JES 9 COBOL TutoriaI omputer Programming A Program is a set of instructions that enables a computer to process data, there are two types of computer programs which are 1- Operating system programs, which control the overall operation of the system and 2- Applications programs, it is the actuall program tasks requried by the users. THe term used to descriebe all type of programs is called software in general application program reads input , process it, and produce information or out put the user neads. A set of computerized business procedures in an application area is called an information systems. Application program development process 1. Determain program specifications. 2. Design the program planning tools. 3. Code and enter the program. 4. Compile the program. 5. Test the program. 6. Document the program.History of obol. Developed by 1959 by a group called COnference on Data Systems Language (CODASYL). First COBOL compiler was released by December 1959.First ANS approved version 1968Modified ANS approved version1974 (OS/VS COBOL) Modified ANS approved version1985 (VS COBOL 2) This book is written based on BM COBOL for OS/390 V2R2.Interduction to obol COBOL is a high-level programming language first developed by the CODASYL Committee (Conference on Data Systems Languages) in 1960. Since then, responsibility for developing new COBOL standards has been assumed by the American National Standards nstitute (ANS). The word COBOL is an acronym that stands for Common Business Oriented Language. As the the expanded acronym indicates, COBOL is designed for developing business, typically file-oriented, applications. t is not designed for writing systems programs. For instance you would not develop an operating system or a compiler using COBOL oding Sheet. 1-6Page/line numbers - Optional (automatically assigned by compiler) 7Continuity (-), Comment (*), Starting a new page (/), Debugging lines (D) 8-11Column A -Division, Section, Paragraph, 01,77 declarations must begin here. 12-72 Column B -All the other declarations/statements begin here. 10 73-80 dentification field. t will be ignored by the compiler but visible in the source listing. anguage Structure. Character Set :- Digits (0-9), Alphabets (A-Z), Space (b), Special Characters (+ - * / ( ) = $ ; " > < . ,) Word:- One or more characters- User defined or Reserved. Clause:- One or more words. t specifies an attribute for an entry. Statement:- One or more valid words and clauses. Sentence:- One or more statements terminated by a period. Paragraph:- One or more sentences. Section:- One or more paragraphs. Division:- One or more sections or paragraphs. Program:- Made up of four divisions. Divisions in OBO. There are four divisions in a COBOL program and Data division is optional.

1. dentification Division. 2. Environment Division. 3. Data Division. 4. Procedure Division. Identification Division. This is the first division and the program is identified here. Paragraph PROGRAM-D followed by user-defined name is mandatory. All other paragraphs are optional and used for documentation. The length of user-defined name for BM COBOL is EGHT.

IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-D.PROGRAM NAME. AUTHOR.COMMENT ENTRY. NSTALLATON.COMMENT ENTRY. DATE-WRTTEN.COMMENT ENTRY. DATE-COMPLED.COMMENT ENTRY. SECURTY.COMMENT ENTRY. Security does not pertain to the operating system security, but the information that is passed to the user of the program about the security features of the program.nvironment Division. Only machine dependant division of COBOL program. t supplies information about the hardware or computer equipment to be used on the program. When your program moves from one computer to another computer, the only section that may need to be changed is ENVRONMENT division.11 Configuration Section. t supplies information concerning the computer on which the program will be compiled (SOURCE-COMPUTER) and executed (OBJECT-COMPUTER). t consists of three paragraphs - SOURCE COMPUTER, OBJECT-COMPUTER and SPECAL-NAMES. This is OPTONAL section from COBOL 85. nput-Output Section. t contains information regarding the files to be used in the program and it consists of two paragraphs FLE-CONTROL & -O CONTROL. Data Division. Data division is used to define the data that need to be accessed by the program. t has three sections.FLE SECTONdescribes the record structure of the files. WORKNG-STORAGE SECTON is used to for define intermediate variables. LNKAGE SECTON is used to access the external data.Ex: Data passed from other programs or from PARM of JCL.iterals, onstants, Identifier, 1. Literal is a constant and it can be numeric or non-numeric

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